Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Fall 2007

I am a loyal Vikings fan!

I am a busy bee!

Smiley girl!

I was a kitty for Halloween...although I was in bed and missed the kids coming to our house...

Don't worry, I haven't had any soda yet - my mom says it's not allowed until I am an adult...but, my daddy loves Mountain Dew...and the cold can feels good on my teeth - It's a scary picure though!!

This is me with Nonni and Papa.

I went to the apple farm and saw the animals.

My Auntie Kelene and Uncle Sean had fun with me at the apple farm.

I love to ride on daddy's shoulders.

This is me at Uncle Ben's wedding.

Grandma Lynne can't believe Benny Wenny is married!

I had fun at the dance with daddy.

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