Sunday, October 10, 2010

We're Ba-ack!

Greetings Everyone!

I know it has been a long time since we last updated our blog. Truthfully, we both started using Facebook and dropped the blog - you can really only do so much. However, with Ella getting more active, and me back to work, we thought it would be nice to continue with the blog as a way to stay in touch with those of you not using Facebook. And, I'm sure my social media expert (Micki Adams) can give a good answer to the difference between blogging and Facebook...for me, it just feels like the right thing to do so we are going with it!

We have a lot of news to share - most good, some not, but that is life - take the good with the bad. We will start with the sad news - my Grams passed away last Wednesday in Aitkin. She went peacefully and was surrounded by love. She has always been a hero to me - I'm fascinated by her life. She lived 96 beautiful years, and her memory will live on forever. I know I hold many of her traits, and as I watch Ella grow, I see Grams in her also. All of the family is doing well. There will be a burial in October and a memorial service at a later date to give family from out of town time to coordinate.

We had a fantastic summer full of family, corn on the cob, trips to the library and farmers market, running through the sprinkler, dinners on the deck, Ella mastering her trike, time at the park and in the sandbox, bubbles, balloons, a parade, cousins Jack and Luke, time at the pool with Nonni & Papa, Kel, Jill and Aunt Debby, time on Cedar Lake with Grandma Lynne and Grandpa Charlie, playing in Uncle Ben's garden, visiting all the great Grandparents, Aunt Sig and Uncle Nate, Micki and Dane, new cousin Thomas, french fries from Uncle Sean, suncreen, bug bites, 1st invitation to a Chucky Cheese birthday party, tantrums, giggles, compromise, a new night light, big girl car seat, independance, still rocking to sleep, and smiles galore. It was a really great summer.

The fall brought many firsts - Ella is taking ballet and tap. She asked if she could, of course we said yes - she LOVES to dance. She has also visited the dentist for the first time and went to preschool for a few days...yes, preschool. More on that later...

Rick has had the good fortune of having a stable job and career that he loves. Things are continuing to go well at PC Solutions. I have had a more difficult time as the healthcare IT industry requires quite a bit of travel. I was fortunate to have the summer off to enjoy with Ella. I began to seriously look for a job at the end of August. An executive recruiter crossed my path as I began my job search - the rest is history. I am gainfully employed as a sales executive with RCM Technologies. I advise our national account team - 3M, Medtronic, Best Buy, etc. Best part is - no travel! I love sales so much, it's really great to be back. It's not healthcare, but I'm ok with that - it's a lot less of a headache actually. It's going really well. I'm still teaching group fitness one day a week at Lifetime in St. Louis Park and Eden Prairie. It's a good balance.

Ella is spectacular. I love her more and more every day - I don't even know how that is possible. It feels like Ella, Rick and I are our own little team - we are such a close-knit family. We love to do things with her and go on outings, but honestly, the best moments are the three of us at home just spending time together. She is a really funny kid - she definitely has a sense of humor and a goofy quality to her. I hope she never loses that. She loves arts and crafts and puzzles - she likes things that require logic and organization. Rick is trying to teach her math...ask her 1 + 1 and she will say 5, but he keeps working at it. She has made up words like shootie and doodie - I don't mind, there are much worse things she could be saying. She loves books and loves to go to the library. We are there at least once a week - she can check out her books all by herself. Both of her Grandmothers let her help in the kitchen - she loves that.

Rick and I just returned from our first real vacation without Ella. It was a little trying to leave, especially with the death of Grams, but my parents made it work and we are so greatful. We had an amazing time - we came back feeling so connected as a couple and realized we need to make a point to take time for us - it's hard because we always want to be with Ella since we both work full time, etc. But, a strong family starts with a strong connection at the top - Sonoma completely strenghthened our bond - it was really fabulous and magical. And the wedding...we have never been to an event like that - everything was so well done - it was truly awesome. We feel so blessed!

Enjoy the fall colors and the beautiful harvest season. We love you all and will update soon!

Peace and love!

1 comment:

Micki said...

Love the shout-out, just noticed that! Thanks Mols! You are awesome!