Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 2007

I love to splash in my pool :-)

I always try and "dive" onto the grass - it's so fun!

I love my swing outside under the deck - it is always nice and shaded there!

Auntie Kelene and Uncle Sean came to visit me - we had fun!

My kitty, Goldie, doesn't mind when I play with her fur.

I really like my elephant feet can almost touch...
My great-Grams had a stroke recently, she now lives in Brainerd - she is closer to Grandma Lynne and Grandpa Charlie. We both have wheels!!

I wanted to ride with her on her wheels instead - fun!

I love my exersaucer - I get to stand and bounce around -


Micki said...

The photo of Ella and Goldie is PRICELESS!! I love it! You tell her who's boss Miss Ella! :)
Auntie Micki

DaneW said...

Man, I here you are getting sooo big, Ella! Your aunte Micki and I miss you a lot while we are so far away in Denver. I hope we get to see you soon!
Your uncle to be, Daner